Time is money. But is it still true? For many, these days, time is more precious than money. You can get more money, but how do you get more time?
The old techniques of time-management, delegation and prioritisation will only take you so far.
Passive Productivity is a different approach. Just as with passive income, there are ways you can put in a one-off effort that will yield you time dividends on an ongoing basis. It’s a system of work management that you can implement again and again, in just about any field or specialisation you can name.
Combine this with negotiation and both you, and your employer, come out win-win.
You get time back to improve your lifestyle, and both your energy and motivation benefit. Your boss gets work done more efficiently than ever, with processes in place that he or she can take to the bank, shareholders or franchisees.
If you would like further info, I ask that you be patient and come back by 13 Feb, by which time I should have more details uploaded for you.
Thank you.